Many ladies have met have claimed that they have oily skin only to later discover that they have dry or combination skin.
Anyways there are Several Skin types Namely
Normal Skin
Oily skin
Dry skin
Combination Skin
Sensitive Skin
Hyperpigmented Skin
So to know if you fall into any of the above classifications, here's a test called the
TISSUE TEST. It's very simple & takes about 30mins-1hour.
Clean/wash your face & apply no product or just do this after having a bath.
Get a 1-ply or 2-ply tissue
Blot your skin(Chin,Center of cheeks,Outer cheeks,Centre of forehead,Outer Forehead & Nose)
Do you see oily residues in the area of the nose & forehead?
Then you may have
Combination Skin.
Do you see oily residue everywhere?
Then you may have
Oily Skin.
You do not see any oil at all,but see flaky skin residue.
Then your skin is
No oil or flaky Skin Residue.
Your skin may be
PORE SIZE: This matters a lot as well.
Characteristics to note:
NORMAL (the lucky lot)
You have few or no break outs.
Your skin feels or looks supple with or without moisturizer
You can use any product without irritation.
Your skin tone is even all over.
You are prone to blemishes, blackheads & white heads.
You have large pores.
Your face is shiny in the t-zone esp. when you wake up.
Foundation wears off after a couple of hours.
USEFUL TIP: (Use an oil-free gel or cleanser - removes oil without dehydrating the skin; Steaming & facials also help)
Your skin may even flake off if it has not been properly moisturized.
Your skin feels itchy or tight esp. after cleaning.
You made it through adolescence without acne.
Your complexion looks dull.
Useful Tip: (Use a Glycerine soap & Please Moisturize)
You have medium pores, smooth texture,healthy facial color & a good complexion
Your cheeks feel dry but your t-zone is oily or covered with acne.
You're oily in some areas & dry in others(unbalanced).
You can use products on one side, but the other gets irritated.
Useful Tip : Treat each area of your face with regards to Type.
You easily get irritated when you try to 'Extract a Blackhead' OR 'Try some New Makeup Product or creams'.You easily get irritated when you try to extract a blackhead OR try some new makeup product or creams.
You sunburn easily.
You're allergic to certain products.
Your skin is often red when you are exposed to sudden temperature changes.
Useful Tip: (Use hypo-allergenic & fragrance free products OR visit a Dermatologist).
You have dark spots from bugs, bites, pimples that remain stagnant.
You freckle easily in the sun.
You have dark moles/growths.
Useful Tip: (Identify what skin group you fall into & please visit a Dermatologist)
** Include the use of a GOOD Sunscreen Lotion in your beauty regimen & remember the Higher the SPF, the greater the protection you get.
** Please drink lots of water, that can't be emphasized enough.
** Get plenty of rest its good for your health and skin!!!
** And as much as possible, let your skin breathe, you don't have to use heavy makeup all the time, you know urself,*lol*!!
if you have any questions,don't hesitate to send me a mail